I may find the proof to Problem 6 Fall 2011.
The proposition says: Given nine lattice points in space, show that there is an interior lattice point on at least one segment joining a pair of them.
This proof is quick easy. Since there nine lattice points, set one of them as the origin. The vectors of the other points are $ V:=(x_i, y_i, z_i), i=1,2,3, ..., 8 $ .Then there is an interior lattice point on at least on segment joining a pair of them means at least on of the co-ordinates of the eight points has $GCD(x_j, y_j, z_j) > 1, j\in {1,2,3, ..., 8}$.
Consider the co-ordinates of the vectors, E represent Even number, O represents Odd number, Then the eight co-ordinates are:
$(O,O,O), (E,O,O),(O,E,O),(O,O,E), (O,E,E),(E,O,E),(E,E,O),(E,E,E)$
If $(E,E,E)\in V$, which means the co-ordinates are Even number, then the $GCD =2$, so the proposition hold.
If $(E,E,E) \notin V$, the pigeonhole principle tells us that there two of the vector have same pattern. For example $v_1 $ and $v_2$ are $(O,E,O)$ type. new vector $v=v_1-v_2$ is $(E,E,E)$ type. $GCD$ of co-ordinates of $v$ equals to 2, then the proposition hold.
Yeah! Although the proof is not that prefect, it works.